Agentur für Filmemacher, Dops, Regisseure, Fotografen, Crew und Kreative Dippy Bird Management

Ute Sillmann (Styling)

Ute started her career by training as a photographer. After finishing that, she began to work as a photo assistant, and later on as a freelance photographer and producer. With 10 years of work experience as a photographer, she switched her focus to freelance styling. Since then, numerous campaigns have shown Ute's stylistic fingerprint. She covers a wide range of clients and genres. Ute, and her massive repository of clothes and accessories, are based in Frankfurt.

Photographers worked with

Asy Asendorf, Günther Bauer, Frank Blümler, Sascha Deforth, Patrizia Doubek, Filmstyler Filmproduktion, G+K Film AG, Amsterdam Filmservices, Daniel Gieseke, Jens Görlich, Carsten Görlich, Peter Großlaub, Alex Habermehl, Burkhard Henrichs, Olaf Hermann, Jens Ihnken, Manfred Keupen, Jens König, Dirk Kugelmeier, Jan Lauer, Alexandra Lechner, Sandra Mohr, Till Melchior, Matthias Müller, Dietmar Nix, Raid Filmproduktion, Michael Rinner, Till Roos, Oliver Rossi, Pete Ruppert, Paul Schirnhofer, Alex Schwander, Hellmut Schulze Wenck, Nina Siber, Mathias Stalter, Oana Szekely, Tim Thiel, Wolfgang Uhlig, Michael Völler, Klaus Weddig, Frank Widmann, Ira Wirth, Magnus Pajner, Knut Wörner, Marc Wuchner


Adam Hall, Aida, AOK, BASF, Basler Versicherung, Bayer, Bild am Sonntag, Braun, Bunte, Bürkert, Catrice, Crédit Suisse, Coke, Commerzbank, Daimler, DAP, Datev, DHL, Deka Bank, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Börse, Diehl & Diehl, 1&1, En Vie Online Magazin, Fiat, Fitness Company, Fissler, Fraport, Fresenius, Getty Images, Girogo, Grundig, Hipp, Hohes C, Honda, IMA, Joop Schmuck, Junkers, König + Neurath, Levi‘s, Maggi, Mattel, Mercedes Benz, Merz, Mewa, NVV – Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund, Ökotest, Olympiabewerbung Frankfurt 2012, Opel, Pampers, Planet Radio, Pro Asyl, Procter & Gamble, QVC, Ricosta, Roche, Roewa, RTL, Schottisches Fremdenverkehrsamt, Schufa, Schweikhardt, Staedtler, Stihl, Suse, Syngenta, Thomy, Türkisches Fremdenverkehrsamt, Union Invest, Volvo, Wella, Wirtschaftsdienst Verlag, Wrangler, ZDF, Zurich Insurance


Ackermann, Bonprix, Deutsche Bahn, dm Drogeriemarkt, Globus, Greiff Berufsmoden, Happy Size, Henschel & Roppertz, Hess Natur, Livipur, Neckermann, Galeria Kaufhof, Pioneer, Panda Schweiz, Quelle, Schwab Versand, Sine, Veillon, Vestino, Vivanda, Waschbär Versand, Woolworth


Guido Gantz, Mirja Bös, Women's National Football Team, Julie Thompson, Killer Pilze, Mike Krüger

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